
A well-respected speaker, Julia is known for her ability to captivate and inspire audiences across the world.

Julia has spoken at several international conferences and draws on her personal and professional experiences in life – resonating with audiences worldwide. Julia has been a keynote speaker at several conferences across Africa and the United States and has appeared on several TV programmes. Her notable appearances include:

  • Keynote speaker at an UN-sponsored event for young women and girls for International Women’s Day in Accra, Ghana

  • Regular keynote speaker at a Women’s conference in Pittsburgh, USA, speaking about excellence in leadership and removing limitations

  • Guest speaker on TV programme - ‘She Matters’ TBN station speaking about the power of words

  • Guest speaker on TV programme - ‘A Conversation with Matt’ TBN station speaking about self-determination

Julia regis talking on stage

julia regis on stage talking for cyrille regis
leadership training to senior managers at water AID

Bookings / Enquiries


"A woman of vision and purpose with an impressive work ethic. Members of my organisation have said that Julia’s training leaves you believing you can conquer the world!"

Kempton Griffiths, Regional Vice President, ACN Inc, United States.